Art XO

Design Brief: 

The goal of this project was to create a graphic design-focused publication revolving around the concepts of analog and digital graphics and typography.

Success Looks Like:

  • Effectively combining typography with graphics to invoke emotions within the reader

  • Expressing yourself

  • Creating an exciting experience for the user



  • A publication focused on the different sub-genres of hardcore music (such as death core, and metalcore).

  • The publication was inspired by artwork and song lyrics of albums created during the early - mid-2010’s hardcore scene.

 Design process:

  • Design concepts and principles at the forefront - hierarchy, repetition, contrast, alignment, balance, and proximity.

  • To create the analog designs for the graphical and typographical elements of the publication I used primary sources ranging from magazines such as Revolver and Metal Hammer to show pamphlets and posters that I had been collecting since high school. I used these resources to create analog individual graphic design artworks.

  • Digital graphic and typographic elements were drafted combining the same primary sources with digital design software in the Adobe Creative Suite, resulting in a large array of graphic designs.

  • The amalgamation of these graphics whilst combining design concepts resulted in the final publication. 

  • The publication is themed on the concept of beating adversity no matter the challenge, a belief that is a foundation of hardcore music and culture.

Softwares Used:

Showing Gratitude:

Professor Kristen Mallia